On April 22, 150 students headed to the Field House for Canterbury’s first Mini-Thon. The purpose of the Mini-Thon was to raise money for Four Diamonds, an organization dedicated to fighting childhood cancer.
The event required all participants to stay awake for 12 hours, starting at 10 p.m. and lasting until 10 a.m. the following morning. Students asked for pledges from friends and family in return for their participation. Helping to keep students awake and entertained was a variety of activities, ranging from a bouncy house, ping pong, basketball, volleyball and musical chairs. Also helping to keep them awake was massive infusions of periodic food deliveries and a D.J.
Ryan Marks, a current sixth former, was the impetus behind Canterbury’s event. He had attended a few Mini-Thons in the past and wanted to bring the fundraising event to Canterbury.
“The school has never done anything like this before and to be able to do it while raising money for such a great cause, it was really a no-brainer to present this idea,” said Ryan.
E.J. Soifersmith, Assistant Dean of Students, and Christie Ding from Admissions, worked hard to help orchestrate the event by getting donations from parents and local restaurants, arranging for the D.J. and planning sleep-preventing activities. Faculty members Kathy Bolster and Leigh Getz managed to pull the all-nighter along with E.J. and Christie. Various other faculty and administrators stopped in during the night as well, including the Stones, Alison Bailey, Derek Richardson, Peter LaVigne, Sam Hargrove, Betsy Vucinich and the Mulherns.
The Fee family, parents of Kevin ‘18 and Kieran ‘19, donated the funds for the bouncy house; the Greguski family, parents of Greg ‘20, donated all kinds of snacks; the Pizzos, parents of Bella ‘20, donated 10 pizzas; the Martino family, parents of Emily Rose and Mary Catherine ‘17 , donated the fixings for make-your-own cannolis; the Griebels, parents of Jack ‘19, donated $1,000 for the purchase of food; the father of Arthur Geo ‘20, donated $500 to put toward food; and the Schneiders, parents of Justin ‘20, donated a gift card to Big Y, along with a discount. Local restaurant Italia Mia donated 20 pizzas.
“I think it goes without saying that pediatric cancer might be one of the hardest things to accept. Just thinking of those kids spending the best days of their lives in a hospital bed and having surgery after surgery, treatment after treatment. Being able to help and raise awareness for these kids is the least I could do,” says Ryan.
In total, Canterbury was able to raise $14,000! Thank you, Ryan, for introducing such a great event for an important cause. And thank you to all the stalwart Mini-Thoners who managed to stay on their feet – even if their eyes weren’t open – for 12 hours (even though several were caught napping in the bouncy house).
Video taken by Jeaneville Quaye and Sherley Arias-Pimentel
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